Development services

Development services

For you to experience the full benefit of our coating and 3D printing processes, we can gladly support you in your design process in a consultative manner or we can even design the part to your functional specifications with you or – in certain cases – independently. By involving Horizon Microtechnologies (HMT) in your design process, you will allow us to contribute the full potential for functional integration, lightweighting and miniaturization that micro-AM can achieve. Furthermore, we will leverage our 3D microfabrication expertise with our in-house processes to reach superior part designs quickly. By properly designing parts for our additive manufacturing and coating workflows, features such as area-selective coating, freedom from supports, massively overhanging features, etc. are possible. Beyond the use of our proprietary technologies, Horizon Microtechnologies has a strong understanding of 3D microfabrication process chains in general, and we support your product development and manufacturing by sourcing specific parts and process steps from pre-qualified partners where required.

Reach out now to find out how we can help you in your design and manufacturing challenges

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